Welcome to the Media, Film & Digital Media department
Department Staff
Mr M Compton | Subject Leader: Media & Film |
Miss L Cavagnero | Teacher of Media & Film |
Mr T Prior | Media & Film KS4 Coordinator |
In Media and Film at Trinity, we view or subjects as “History in the making”. By this, we mean the representations and ideologies that are prevalent in our media today will inform our understanding of our world tomorrow. In our ever-evolving world, we see current affairs constructed in the media as tomorrow’s sources for investigation and interpretation and therefore a vitally important part of a modern curriculum.
Our Vision within the Film and Media department is to help our students to become active and critical audiences of the mass media. We want students to take responsibility for their Media consumption habits and help them to understand the effects of their choices. We want them to critically engage with Media products and understand how mass media can be used both positively and negatively, preparing them to observe trends critically and with a balanced perspective. We also see the creative potential of the media and encourage our students to become active producers of Media texts with the wealth of equipment at their disposal. We offer students the opportunity to explore the world of media and film beyond the classroom, with various clubs and visits and we view this as an opportunity for students to see their learning in action; giving a real-world perspective to all that they have learned within the classroom.
Our curriculum is designed and sequenced in such a way to build and develop learning to create an inquisitive and passionate learner committed to developing their knowledge of the media, theories and perspectives that will not only facilitate their studies, but also develop an inquisitive nature and enthusiasm that our students take with them when they leave Trinity.
Fundamentally, we hope that students studying Film and Media at Trinity will develop a passion for creating and actively engaging with media products and that in learning through doing, students will become critically engaged with the world around them.
Student Entitlement:
In addition to their general entitlements, students have an entitlement to the following experiences in Media Studies:
- To have the opportunity to see a wide and varied selection of media texts, reflecting a diversity of cultures.
- To be instructed in the skills which will enable them to examine those texts with critical detachment.
- To be encouraged to develop a personal and creative response.
- To receive practical instruction in media technology enabling them to create their own media texts.
- To be given tasks which will ensure progression, depth and academic rigour.
- To make use of a variety of equipment related to media production, as well as books, media and other resources where appropriate.
- To work in a climate which enhances learning, encourages dialogue and which fosters personal development and personal responsibility.
The syllabus is designed to enable students to develop a critical awareness of the role of the mass media in society. Students will study media institutions, such as the film industry, British Broadcasting and the press. They will also study media audiences: how media products affect audiences. Media ‘language’ will be studied, not only the language of the press, but the ‘language’ of film and television. Students will learn about narrative construction, composition and mise en scene and they will do this through analysis and also through practical production. An important aspect of media study is the representation of various groups in society and students will look at the stereotyping of gender and ethnic groups.
During year ten, pupils will be guided through a Media Studies induction unit that will focus on topics that include an introduction to Media Language and Textual Analysis of both the photographic and moving image. The Induction unit is to last three/four weeks to reflect the increase in content in the new specifications.
Students will undertake practical sessions this year in order to develop the practical skills required to attack the NEA with a level of confidence that might previously have been lacking
Students will study a range of media forms and genres with a focus on media language, representation and contexts. This will look specifically at print advertisements, magazine front covers, film posters, newspapers and video games. The students will spend the final half term working on component 3 – the NEA which is a practical production.
During year eleven, pupils will return to and improve their coursework productions and from there embark upon learning for component 2. In this component students learn about representation and audience issues related to television crime drama. They must also study industry issues. They move on to look at the same areas in relation to music video and online media. The course ends with an in-depth revision unit.
Component 1: Exploring the Media
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
40% of qualification
Section A: Exploring Media Language and Representation
This section assesses media language and representation in relation to two of the following print media forms: magazines, marketing (film posters), newspapers, or print advertisements. There are two questions in this section:
- one question assessing media language in relation to one set product (reference to relevant contexts may be required)
- one two-part question assessing representation in relation to one set product and one unseen resource in the same media form.
Part (a) is based on media contexts. Part (b) requires comparison through an extended response.
Section B: Exploring Media Industries and Audiences
This section assesses two of the following media forms: film, newspapers, radio, video games. It includes:
- one stepped question on media industries
- one stepped question on audiences.
Component 2: Understanding Media Forms and Products
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
30% of qualification
This component assesses all areas of the theoretical framework and contexts of the media in relation to television and music.
Section A: Television
- one question on either media language or representation, which will be based on an extract from one of the set television programme episodes to be viewed in the examination (reference to relevant contexts may be required)
- one question on media industries, audiences or media contexts.
Section B: Music (music videos and online media)
- one question on either media language or representation (reference to relevant contexts may be required)
- one question on media industries, audiences or media contexts.
Component 3: Creating Media Products
Non-exam assessment
30% of qualification
An individual media production for an intended audience in response to a choice of briefs set by WJEC, applying knowledge and understanding of media language and representation.
DIGITAL MEDIA Cambridge Technical – Certificate/Extended Certificate – OCR