Welcome to the Mathematics Department

Department Staff
Mr N Barnes | Director of Mathematics |
Mrs S Ahmad | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr N Barnes | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr S Burke | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr J Cantwell | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr J Donaghy | Teacher of Mathematics / KS3 Mathematics Coordinator |
Mr A Glen | Teacher of Mathematics / Year 13 Mathematics Coordinator |
Mr C Jeyakumar | Teacher of Mathematics / Lead Practitioner: Mathematics |
Mr J Livermore | Teacher of Mathematics / Further Mathematics and GCSE Resit Coordinator |
Mrs K Morris | Teacher of Mathematics / KS4 Mathematics Coordinator |
Miss N Ramjahn | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr F Rehman | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mrs S Sanghera | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr S Sebastian | Teacher of Mathematics |
Ms N Shaheen |
Teacher of Mathematics |
Ms A Sultana |
Teacher of Mathematics / Year 12 Mathematics Coordinator |
Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Department Staff
Key Stage 3
At Trinity, we want students to develop an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. A firm grasp of the key concepts and processes in mathematics is essential to equip our young people to flourish in day-to-day living by providing them with the skills and confidence to carry-out everyday tasks with greater ease, from handling bills to deciding the most efficient way of carrying out a series of tasks. Students who are comfortable and confident with mathematics are able to develop critical thinking skills enabling them to effectively problem-solve and solution find. Young people who are able to leave school with these skills are better equipped to be numerate in multiple settings across society and are able to excel in a variety of fields.
The main topics covered in Year 7 are: algebraic thinking, place value and proportion, application of number, directed numbers, fractional thinking, lines and angles and reasoning with number.
The main topics covered in Year 8 are: proportional reasoning, representations, algebraic techniques, developing number, developing geometry, reasoning with data and mathematics in medicine.
The main topics covered in Year 9 are: reasoning with algebra, constructing in two and three dimensions, reasoning with number, reasoning with geometry, reasoning with proportion, representations and mathematics in medicine.
Key Stage 3: Learning Journeys
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4, students will study for the Edexcel GCSE Mathematics qualification; high-attaining students will also take Edexcel GCSE Statistics and, optionally, the level 3 free standing maths qualification OCR Additional Mathematics.
The fundamental aims of the mathematics programme at Key Stage 4 are for students to:
- develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
- acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems
- reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions
- comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.
Students will be entered for either the higher or foundation tier for GCSE Mathematics. The higher tier is focused more on algebra and problem solving than the foundation tier.
At the end of the course students take three 90-minute exam papers (two calculator papers, one non-calculator paper) each worth one third of the final assessment. The final assessment for GCSE Statistics consists of two 90-minute exam papers worth 50% each.
Key Stage 4: Learning Journeys
Y10 and Y11 H Additional Maths Curriculum Journey Statistics
Y10 F Maths Curriculum Journey
Y10 H Maths Curriculum Journey
Y10 H Statistics Curriculum Journey
Y11 F Maths Curriculum Journey
Y11 H Maths and Statistics Curriculum Journey
Y11 H Maths Curriculum Journey
Key Stage 5
Students have the opportunity to take the Edexcel A Level Mathematics, Edexcel A Level Further Mathematics and OCR Level 3 Core Mathematics qualifications. In addition, students can resit Edexcel GCSE Mathematics.
Students will study pure maths, statistics and mechanics as part of A Level Mathematics.
The pure maths topics studied in Year 12 are: algebraic expressions, quadratics, equations & inequalities, graphs & transformations, straight line graphs, circles, algebraic methods, the binomial expansion, trigonometric ratios, trigonometric identities & equations, vectors, differentiation, integration and exponentials & logarithms. In Year 13 students learn about: algebraic methods, functions & graphs, sequences & series, binomial expansions, radians, trigonometric functions, trigonometry & modelling, parametric equations, differentiation, numerical methods, integration and vectors.
Applied maths (statistics/mechanics) in Year 12 covers: data collection, measures of location & spread, representations of data, correlation, probability, statistical distributions, hypothesis testing, modelling in mechanics, constant acceleration, forces & motion and variable acceleration; the topics covered in Year 13 are: regression/correlation & hypothesis testing, conditional probability, the normal distribution, moments, forces & friction, projectiles, applications of forces and further kinematics.
The final assessment consists of three exam papers, each worth one-third of the final grade. Paper 1 and paper 2 both assess pure mathematics; paper 3 assesses applied mathematics (mechanics and statistics).
A Level Further Mathematics means students can explore the subject in more depth and will be introduced to topics like complex numbers, polar coordinates, matrices, hyperbolic functions and decision mathematics. During Year 12, students complete the units on statistics and decision mathematics; in Year 13 the focus is on pure mathematics. To take A Level Further Mathematics students must have also chosen to study A Level Mathematics.
The final assessment consists of four exam papers, each worth 25% of the final grade. Paper 1 and paper 2 both assess pure mathematics; there is then one exam paper for statistics and one for decision maths.
Level 3 Core Mathematics is equivalent to an AS Level (half an A Level) and is aimed at students who want to develop their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding to support their work in other subjects. Quantitative reasoning gives students the opportunity to use problem-solving cycles in modelling, statistics and financial mathematics in a variety of contexts, and check the outcomes of their calculations. They also use appropriate technology to work with quantitative information. Statistical problem solving gives students the opportunity to use spreadsheets, the statistical problem solving cycle and more sophisticated statistical techniques to analyse authentic problems in a variety of contexts; and to work with large, real data sets. During Year 12 students will study the subject content; in Year 13 they will apply their knowledge of the concepts, and use the skills they have developed, in a wider variety of contexts and on large data sets.
The final assessment consists of two exam papers, each worth 50% of the final grade. Paper 1 assesses quantitative reasoning and paper 2 assesses statistical problem solving. Both exams are based on pre-release material that students study prior to the exams.
Key Stage 5: Learning Journeys
Further Maths Learning journeys24_Applied Y13
Further Maths Learning journeys24_core Pure 1
Further Maths Learning journeys24_Core Pure 2
Further Maths Learning journeys24_Decision 1
Further Maths Learning journeys24_Further Mechanics 1
Further Maths Learning journeys24_Pure Y12
Further Maths Learning journeys24_Pure Y13