Welcome to the History & Politics Department
Department Staff
Mrs S Cox | Subject Leader: History and Politics |
Mr M Brennan | History KS5 Coordinator |
Mrs S LeGars | History KS3 Coordinator |
Ms S Diez | Teacher of History |
Mr P McGrory | Teacher of Politics |
Through the study of history, students will be able to identify their position in the wider context of the world. We want students to see history as a living and relevant subject. It is our aim for students to develop knowledge and understanding of influential historical events and how these can be applied to contemporary society in relation to their impact as well as the implications on future generations. We want our students to develop their curiosity and passion for this endlessly compelling subject; to gain an appreciation of the history of Britain and its role in shaping and influencing world events. We want students to develop their historical thinking by combining substantive knowledge and conceptual understanding thus rendering the past as something that can be investigated and understood through historical enquiry.
Through the study of second order concepts, we want students to build knowledge to allow them to make valid judgments. An integral aim is for students to study specific examples of how historians have analysed the past and how historical narratives are constructed. We challenge students to think, behave and speak like those working in the field would: to complete in-depth research, to balance evidence, to understand chronology, to evaluate sources and historical interpretations and develop articulate and coherent arguments.
In history, the curriculum is designed to provide specific knowledge regarding wide ranging periods and movements in local, British, European, African, Caribbean and American history. Students will be able to provide clear explanations and reach well-supported judgments because they are confident in source analysis and utilising content, context and provenance to inform their ideas.
The study of History provides opportunities for students to engage in historical enquiry and develop the ability to research effectively, problem solve and understand the historical significance of key people and events and interpret these in different ways. Study skills including digital literacy, effective research, essay writing and disciplinary literacy skills equip students in becoming scholars of history. We believe that these transferable skills are essential for any student in the 21st century.
We strongly believe that the study of history is the fulcrum by which students can understand the world they live in, their role in it, where they have come from and where they are going. Ultimately, history provides us with the opportunity to teach empathy and tolerance; we want to empower students to question the world around them and to contribute to the debates shaping their lives.
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3, students will extend and deepen their knowledge of British, local and world history. Students will be able to identify events, make connections, use historically accurate terms and concepts, and understand how different types of historical sources are used to make historical claims and how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed.
Year 7: Britain in the Middle Ages, Britain before 1066
Year 8: Tudor and Stuart Britain and the Industrial Revolution
Year 9: Britain at War, local History World War 1, World History: India
Key Stage 4
Exam Board AQA
At Key Stage 4, students will develop and extend their knowledge and understanding of key events, periods and societies in British and wider world history. Students will engage in historical enquiry and develop as independent learners and critical reflective thinkers. Students will develop their ability to ask questions, investigate issues and to validate historical claims using a range of sources.
Unit 1: Period Study and Wider World Study
Part A – Germany, Democracy and Dictatorship: 1890-1945 (25% exam weighting)
Part B- Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945-1972 (25% exam weighting)
Unit 2: Thematic Study and British Depth Study
Part A – Britain: Health and the People, c1000 to present day (25% exam weighting)
Part B – Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 (25% exam weighting)
Key Stage 5
Exam Board AQA
At Key Stage 5 students will study three units covering British history, European history and world history. Students will develop their ability to analyse historical sources and interpretations, to research historical events and develop extended written responses. The three components we cover at Trinity are the following:
1C The Tudors: England, 1485-1603
This option allows students to study in breadth issues of change, continuity, cause and consequence in this period through the following key questions:
- How effectively did the Tudors restore and develop the powers of the monarchy?
- In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period?
- How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured?
- How did English society and economy change and with what effects?
- How far did intellectual and religious ideas change and develop and with what effects?
- How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments?
Assessment: 2½ hour exam 40% weighting
2N Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia, 1917-1953
This option provides for the study in depth of the coming and practice of communism in Russia. It explores concepts such as Marxism, communism, Leninism, and Stalinism, ideological control and dictatorship. It also enables students to consider issues of political authority, the power of individuals and the inter-relationship of government, economic and social change.
Assessment: 2½ hour exam 40% weighting
Component 3: Historical investigation (non-exam assessment) – Civil Rights Movement in America
Students will be required to submit a historical investigation based on a development or issue which has been subject to different historical interpretations.
The historical investigation must:
- be independently researched and written by the student
- be presented in the form of a piece of extended writing of between 3500 and 4500 words in length, with a limit of 4500 words
- draw upon the student’s investigation of sources (both primary and secondary) which relate to the development or issue chosen and the differing interpretations that have been placed on this
- place the issue to be investigated within a context of approximately 100 years
- be an issue which does not duplicate the content of Components 1 and 2.
Assessment: Written Assignment 20% weighting
Key Stage 5 – A Level Politics
Examination Board: Edexcel
Aims of studying Politics
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to:
- develop knowledge and an informed understanding of contemporary political structures and issues in their historical context, both within the United Kingdom (UK) and globally
- develop a critical awareness of the changing nature of politics and the relationships between political ideas, institutions and processes
- develop knowledge and an informed understanding of the influences and interests which have an impact on decisions in government and politics
- develop knowledge and an informed understanding of the rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups
- develop the ability to critically analyse, interpret and evaluate political information to form arguments and make judgements
- develop an interest in, and engagement with, contemporary politics
Component 1
- Political Participation, students will study: • democracy and participation, political parties, electoral systems, voting behaviour and the media
- Core Political Ideas, students will study: • conservatism, liberalism, socialism.
Component 2
- UK Government, students will study: • the constitution, parliament, Prime Minister and executive, relationships between the branches.
- Non-core political ideas, students will study one idea from the following: anarchism, ecologism, feminism, multiculturalism, nationalism.
Component 3
- Sovereignty and globalisation,
- Global governance: political and economic,
- Global governance: human rights and environmental,
- Power and developments,
- Regionalism and the European Union,
- Comparative theories.
Component 1: UK Politics
Written examination: 2 hours 33.3% % of the qualification 84 marks
Component 2: UK Government
Written examination: 2 hours 33.3% of the qualification 84 marks
Component 3: Comparative Politics
Written examination: 2 hours 33.3% of the qualification 84 marks