Darius Project: Raising GCSE Attainment 2024
At Trinity, a special feature of the preparation for GCSEs is the Darius programme. It is a well-established intervention programme that is implemented to raise achievement for those students who are on the borderline for their target grade and could, with a little help and effort, achieve great success. Intervention classes are crucial for students as they offer further targeted academic support designed to elevate performance and final GCSE outcomes. These classes not only aim to improve grades but also boost confidence and motivation. Our teachers offer these after-school classes voluntarily.
Darius will begin on 15 January 2024. Attached to this letter is a block timetable of classes (A-D). Students will be selected by their teachers for the Darius programme and the school will write to you to inform you of what classes your son/daughter must attend during that block in January. For students invited to a Darius, attendance is compulsory and will be monitored. All Darius lessons will take place between 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm (except on Friday when Darius will begin at 3.10 pm – 4.10 pm). Breakfast Darius will begin at 8.00 am for Theology. Computer Science will offer students drop-in sessions.
Block A: 15 Jan – 9 Feb (4 weeks)
Monday: Art, Psychology
Tuesday: English
Wednesday: Music, PE (Theology Breakfast Club)
Thursday: Maths
Friday: TBA
Block B: 12 Feb – 15 March (4 weeks)
Monday: Food
Tuesday: English
Wednesday: Science (Theology Breakfast Club)
Thursday: Business, Media
Friday: Drama
Block C: 18 March – 26 April (4 weeks)
Monday: Media
Tuesday: English
Wednesday: D&T, Science (Theology Breakfast Club)
Thursday: Economics, Maths
Friday: Drama
Block D: 29 April – 17 May (3 weeks)
Monday: Economics
Tuesday: French, Spanish
Wednesday: Science (Theology Breakfast Club)
Thursday: History, Geography
Friday: TBA
Darius Absences
If your child is going to be absent from Darius, please inform us by clicking the link below at least 24 hours before: