Welcome to the Art Department
“Every Child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up” -Pablo Picasso
Department Staff
Mr P Chapman | Subject Leader: Art and Photography |
Ms M Ascott | Art KS5 Coordinator |
Mrs E Bennett – Brown | Teacher of Art |
Mrs K Harrington | Art KS3 Coordinator |
Mrs H Whitney | Art Technician |
The department aim to create a learning environment whereby all students are able to access excellent practice and be nurtured and extended. Staff are collaborative, proactive and are part of the evolving dialogue with each other, the students and the wider world of the Arts. Our aspiration is of the highest order and as such we aim to provide our students with the following:
The Aims of Art Education
- To produce creative work, exploring ideas and recording experiences.
- To become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
- To evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
- To know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Curriculum Intent
- The intent for our Art and Design curriculum clearly sits within the ethos of the school. To “develop a community which is compassionate and dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in all aspects.” It is our belief that all students have an entitlement to a creative experience that fully contributes to the well-rounded individual and their personal development, and in so doing we can enhance aspiration, work within a shared climate of endeavour and a willingness to strive.
- It is our view that each Key Stage must be seen as part of a structured journey. Principles that are set out at each Key Stage naturally build one upon the other but can equally serve the individual need of those students working above or below the designated “norm”. At KS3 we aim to strengthen and widen the individuals practice experience firstly, revisiting and strengthening foundation skills in Year Seven and sequencing our projects to revisit and build upon prior learning in Year Eight and Nine. Knowledge and understanding are intentionally taught to cross reference each other therefore contribute to a growth mind-set and the development of confident proficient young artists. At KS4 we aim to further develop those skills and work with students in a climate of growing independence.
- Best practice offers a bespoke curriculum for the individual that is co-crafted and co-owned by staff and students. By the end of key stage four and five our students are fully independent artists working collaboratively with their teachers. Their creative journey to this point clearly equips the individual to look beyond the immediate, and naturally considers their next step to KS5 and beyond. We believe that it is our duty to prepare all students to have the option to be part of the next generation who fully plays their role in the development of cultural capital and the world of work. The route on to Foundation courses and Degree is still a popular one for our students.
We offer an exciting art curriculum here at Trinity!
At KS3 we develop each student’s capacity for imagination, risk taking, personal expression and independent enquiry. Students are to build understanding, knowledge and resilience within their own Art practice to ensure confidence in their own decision-making. These attributes and skills are vital to making exciting and diverse works of Art reflecting the ethos of the department. We want our students to be able to fully engage with the wider world of the Arts, to be inspired, challenged and enjoy the subject’s history and diversity. The KS3 curriculum fosters a climate for independent learning and encourages curiosity, initiative, critical thinking / problem solving, creativity, communication, collaboration.
Students study the foundation skills and media exploration. They study how to handle a range of materials. By the end of each year students should be able to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques and to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design. They develop skills in drawing, painting, mixed media and 3D studies, for example:
In Year 7
- Core Skills
- Colour Theory – Michael Craig Martin
- Perspective Drawing
- Portraiture
In Year 8
- Core Skills
- Sculptural Heads
- Comic Book Cover Design
In Year 9
- Core Skills
- Art Deco and Art Nouveau Design
- Surrealist Landscapes and Sculpture
Exam Board – Edexcel
Coursework Projects
- Decay
- Identity
GCSE Art students complete two extended Units of Coursework, which constitutes 60% of their final grade. They explore a wide range of materials and approaches; develop skills and new techniques, visiting galleries and museums as an integrated aspect of their course.
In year 11 they receive an externally set Examination Paper (40% of their final grade). After a period of preparation, they sit a 10-hour exam, during which time they produce a personal response to the exam theme, which is worth 40% of their final grade.
The Art Department has a long history of excellent examination results. Students thoroughly enjoy the discipline and growing challenges of the course, with many following their creative journey onto A Level Art and A Level Photography.
At A Level we currently offer two A Level courses: Art and Photography.
Exam Board – Edexcel
Component 1: Personal Investigation (including a 1,000-3,000 personal study)(60%)
Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%)
Students continue their personal journey with a bespoke approach to learning. One to one tutorials and gallery visits are embedded in the A Level experience.
The A Level Art and Photography courses have been designed to encourage an adventurous and enquiring approach to learning. Successful students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of past and contemporary Art and Photography practice and be able to produce artwork that embraces a range of personal ideas and paths of enquiry.
In particular, the aims of the GCE qualifications in Art and Design are to develop:
intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive powers, investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement, an understanding of the interrelationships between Art and Photography and an awareness of the contexts in which they operate. Knowledge and understanding of Art and Photography in contemporary society and in other times and cultures.
Students have a clear career pathway from our A Level courses on a Foundation course or onto a degree course.
Students’ work with an impressive level of maturity and sophistication, reaping the rewards of their sustained hard work and commitment