Cordial greetings to all our readers – indeed to everyone in our school community. We are now approaching the heart of winter. We have had half term and we are now preparing for Advent and the birth of the Christ child.
Everyone comments on how quickly time passes – this is because we are all busy as we move from one week to the next. We are now entering the period of exams – mocks for A Level and the same for GCSE. It is a time of rigorous study and my heart goes out to all our young scholars. I must be blunt; politicians say that our exams are getting easier – no they are not. I would challenge any such person to come into school and sit for a History GCSE paper or better still, one at A Level. The system is highly disciplined and tough. Please pray for all our scholars as they move from success to success. I also ask that in this, the month of November, to pray for all those in the Trinity Community who have died and gone to the Father’s House.
I thank you for reading this.
Pax et Bonum
My best regards,
Dr P.C. Doherty OBE