Safeguarding at Trinity 

Welcome to Trinity Catholic High School Safeguarding page my name is Sean Reed the Designated Safeguarding lead at Trinity. My role is to be the first port of call for any safeguarding needs that students, staff or parents may have or need advice regarding. It often means signposting to services, referring to agencies and most importantly ensuring the child is safe while in school. Please feel free to contact me on [email protected] with any enquiry or for any advice regarding your child.

Safeguarding legislation and government guidance say that safeguarding means:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome

Safeguarding includes child protection, health care plans, health and safety, site security, safety on school trips, anti-bullying work and a range of universal services in school including education welfare officers, counsellors and ELSA’s.

The school’s Safeguarding Team consists of:

Mr Reed (Designated Safeguarding Lead) [email protected]

Mr Mcgrory (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) [email protected]

Mrs Leslie (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) [email protected]

Mrs Mcgrory (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) [email protected]

Mrs Law (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) [email protected]

Mr Barnes (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) [email protected]

The school adheres to the following three DFE safeguarding documents:

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • The Prevent Duty

ACT Early work with other organisations to protect vulnerable people from radicalisation. Please click HERE for more information.

Please see our policies and procedures below:

Safeguarding Team
MASH Information

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education

NSPCC Helpline for victims of sexual abuse
Third Party Crime Reporting
Responding to Peer on peer Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Victim Support

Fearless – School Aged Robbery Campaign

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Criminal Exploitation
County Lines

Redbridge Prevent
Redbridge Hate Crime

Preventing Gaming & Gambling Harm

National Online Safety Parent App
Online Safety
CEOP & Thinkuknow
Child Criminal/Sexual Exploitation Signposting