Mission statement
Founded in 1976, Trinity Catholic High School is one of the most distinguished Catholic schools in the country.
In partnership with parents, Trinity aims through a Christ-centred curriculum, to develop young men and women of faith, good character, strong intellect and generous spirit, able to move confidently into the world and to use their talents and gifts to lead and serve others.

The School is part of the Catholic Church, and, as such, is conducted in full accordance with the Canon Law and the teachings of the Church. Religious Education, in particular, is in accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church, and at all times the School serves as a witness to the Catholic faith.

The School comprises three main internal structures, namely, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, and Key Stage 5.
The School exists:
- to assist Catholic parents in fulfilling their obligations;
- to educate children in accordance with the principles and teachings of the Church;
- to do this within an environment which will encourage and support the spiritual, physical, moral and intellectual development of the child and help growth towards full Christian maturity;
- to provide a wide and rich range of educational, cultural and spiritual experiences which will encourage children to discover and develop their potential to its maximum, striving for high standards of excellence in all activities.
The School’s motto captures this well: In Christo Florebimus, In Christ we Flourish.