The Board of Governors at Trinity work hard to support, challenge and strengthen the school. Governors take a keen and active interest in all aspects of school life and we do this in ways consistent with our role. 

Governors are regular visitors, and receive regular training – both as individuals and as a  board – and the Governing Board at Trinity meet twice as often as statutorily required. Governors are fully apprised of school issues and receive formal training on matters such as child protection, equality and employment law. Governing Board meetings are characterised by a rigorous and detailed approach to school business and take place in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. The Governing Board has a full complement of Foundation, Local Authority, Parent, Staff and Co-opted members and a number of Governors have long and very distinguished associations with the school.

Foundation Governors are appointed in the name of the Bishop and form the majority of the governing body of a Catholic school. They have a legal duty to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school and to ensure that the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed.  Governing boards have three core functions:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The ministry of Foundation Governor is an important one, because the Catholic character of our schools depends on committed Catholics being willing to undertake this service. The Bishop is therefore very appreciative of all those who offer to assist him in this vital task.

Membership of the Governing Body


Governor Type Role Term of office Appointing body Register of Pecuniary, business or personal interest
Mr R Bieniasz Foundation Governor Chair of Governors 16.10.24 – 15.10.28 Diocese of Brentwood Co-opted gov at Kingfisher Academy Enfield
Mr M Weston Co-Opted Governor Vice Chair of Governors 01.12.21 – 30.11.25 Governing Board Nothing to declare
Mr D O’Neill Foundation Governor 05.02.25 – 04.02.29 Diocese of Brentwood TBC
Mrs L Hector Foundation Governor 29.01.25 – 28.01.29 Diocese of Brentwood TBC
Ms A-M O’Toole Foundation Governor 29.01.25 – 28.01.29 Diocese of Brentwood TBC
Mr D Savage Foundation Governor 09.01.25 – 08.01.29 Diocese of Brentwood TBC
Mrs N Cashell Foundation Governor 09.01.25 – 08.01.29 Diocese of Brentwood TBC
Mr J Gill Foundation Governor 22.10.24 – 21.10.28 Diocese of Brentwood Nothing to declare
Dr P Doherty OBE Headteacher Nothing to declare
Dr D Tooth Foundation Governor 23.09.24 – 23.09.28 Diocese of Brentwood Nothing to declare
Dr G Eglin LA Governor 03.02.23 – 02.02.27 Local Authority Nothing to declare
Mrs P Rioja Parent Governor 28.09.21 – 27.09.25 Parent Body Nothing to declare
Mrs H Sancho Parent Governor 17.04.23 – 16.04.27 Parent Body Exam Invigilation from February – March 2024 & May – June 2024.
Mr K Brown Staff Governor 31.01.25 – 30.01.29 Staff Body Nothing to declare
Mrs M Bishop Co-Opted Governor 04.07.22 – 03.07.26 Governing Board Nothing to declare

Previous members of the Governing Board 

Governor Type Date of Leaving
Dr Charles O’Donnell Foundation Governor May 2024
Mrs Caroline Daley Foundation Governor July 2024
Fr Adrian Lowe Foundation Governor October 2024
Kerry Mulligan Foundation Governor November 2024

How to contact us

As Governors, we are not involved in the day-to-day running or management of the school. The day-to-day running and management of the school are matters for the Headteacher and his senior team. Parents with specific ideas or concerns about any school-related matter should share these with the relevant member of staff (for example Subject Teacher, Form Tutor, Chaplain, Subject Leader, Year Leader, Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher). In unusual circumstances, matters for the attention of the Governing Board may be referred to the Clerk to the Governors at the address below.

Clerk to the Governors
Trinity Catholic High School
Mornington Road
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 0TP

E: [email protected]

Governing Board Attendance